Friday, September 21, 2007

Just Keep Swimming!

We had some fun today trying out a "possible" Halloween costume, Nemo. Shawn and I aren't sure yet if Nemo is a little too feminine for Sam. Also we've been trying to do things revolving around a letter each week. This was week one, so A was the letter of the week, and we made and alligator out of an egg carton. I stole the idea from a friend of mine out here. I can't believe how much fun Sam is!

1 comment:

Brigit said...

I love the Nemo costume! He looks adorable. I think Cole gets to wear an old lion costume of Jakes. The poor kid is the hand-me-down king!!

AND, what a cute craft. Could you come over and do fun things like that with my kids?

Hope all is well. Love you all!!