Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Elasti-Girl To the Rescue

Okay so this is such a proud moment for me - and you might be wondering why?? We had our ward trunk or treat on Saturday, and after being heckled by some of my friends for not having a costume I decided to try. 15 minutes before we had to leave I still had nothing, but then it came to me - Elasti-girl. I had all of the stuff, I just needed to put together my red clothes, draw the Incredibles symbol on a piece of printer paper, zip up my black boots, and slip on my rubber dishwashing gloves! Oh yes and the mask - it wasn't "tailored" to my face as I would want it to be, but it worked. So needless to say this is one of those moments where only a mom could pull something this homespun out of the closet in 10 minutes!!

I guess I should mention Sam - (super hero trying to hog the spotlight). He was a Lion, and was so not excited about trick or treating. Wierd I know but that's that. He did manage to pose with his friends Hallie and Maggie Allred, and Brooklyn and Landon Tolboe.


Jennilyn said...

Megan you are my Super Hero!!! We will look back on these days and think..."What the HECK was I thinking?" You are great,Love ya

Team Harris said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is the funniest and cutest idea I have ever seen. You rock my socks off!

The Kawasaki's said...

I'm pretty impressed! I couldn't throw together an elastigirl outfit that fast.